
This extension provides a Sphinx domain for describing GraphQL schemas.

In order to use this extension, add graphqldomain to the extensions list in your file.

extensions = ["graphqldomain"]


.. gql:directive:: definition#

Describes a GraphQL directive defined in a schema.

The definition argument is the definition of the directive, using the format described in the GraphQL spec ( However it should not include the following:

  • The Description, which goes into the body of this directive.

  • The directive keyword.

The :argument <name>: <description> field can be used to document the arguments (

For example:

.. gql:directive:: @slow(super: Boolean = false) on FIELD_DEFINITION | ARGUMENT_DEFINITION

   Indicates that the usage of this field or argument is slow,
   and therefore queries with this field or argument should be made sparingly.

   :argument super: Whether usage will be super slow, or just a bit slow.

This will be rendered as:

directive @slow(super: Boolean = false) on FIELD_DEFINITION | ARGUMENT_DEFINITION#

Indicates that the usage of this field or argument is slow, and therefore queries with this field or argument should be made sparingly.

  • super – Whether usage will be super slow, or just a bit slow.

.. gql:enum:: definition#

Describes a GraphQL enum defined in a schema.

The definition argument is the definition of the enum, using the format described in the GraphQL spec ( However it should not include the following:

  • The Description, which goes into the body of this directive.

  • The enum keyword.

  • The EnumValuesDefinition. Enum values can be described with the gql:enum:value directive.

For example:

.. gql:enum:: CharacterCase

   The casing of a character.

This will be rendered as:

enum CharacterCase#

The casing of a character.

.. gql:enum:value:: definition#

Describes a GraphQL enum value defined on an enum in a schema.

The definition argument is the definition of the enum value, using the format described in the GraphQL spec ( However it should not include the following:

  • The Description, which goes into the body of this directive.

For example:

.. gql:enum:: CharacterCase

   The casing of a character.

   .. gql:enum:value:: UPPER

      Upper case.

   .. gql:enum:value:: LOWER

      Lower case.

This will be rendered as:

enum CharacterCase#

The casing of a character.


Upper case.


Lower case.

.. gql:input:: definition#

Describes a GraphQL input object defined in a schema.

The definition argument is the definition of the input object, using the format described in the GraphQL spec ( However it should not include the following:

  • The Description, which goes into the body of this directive.

  • The input keyword.

  • The InputFieldDefinition. Input values can be described with the gql:input:value directive.

For example:

.. gql:input:: Point2D

   A point in a 2D coordinate system.

This will be rendered as:

input Point2D#

A point in a 2D coordinate system.

.. gql:input:field:: definition#

Describes a GraphQL input field defined on an input in a schema.

The definition argument is the definition of the input field, using the format described in the GraphQL spec ( However it should not include the following:

  • The Description, which goes into the body of this directive.

For example:

.. gql:input:: Point2D

   A point in a 2D coordinate system.

   .. gql:input:field:: x: Float

      The ``x`` coordinate of the point.

   .. gql:input:field:: y: Float

      The ``y`` coordinate of the point.

This will be rendered as:

input Point2D#

A point in a 2D coordinate system.

x: Float#

The x coordinate of the point.

y: Float#

The y coordinate of the point.

.. gql:interface:: definition#

Describes a GraphQL interface defined on a schema.

The definition argument is the definition of the interface, using the format described in the GraphQL spec ( However it should not include the following:

  • The Description, which goes into the body of this directive.

  • The interface keyword.

  • The FieldsDefinition. Interface fields can be described with the gql:interface:field directive.

For example:

.. gql:interface:: NamedEntity

   An entity with a name.

This will be rendered as:

interface NamedEntity#

An entity with a name.

.. gql:interface:field:: definition#

Describes a GraphQL interface field defined on an interface in a schema.

The definition argument is the definition of the interface field, using the format described in the GraphQL spec ( However it should not include the following:

  • The Description, which goes into the body of this directive.

The :argument <name>: <description> field can be used to document the arguments (

For example:

.. gql:interface:: NamedEntity

   An entity with a name.

   .. gql:interface:field:: name(lower: Boolean = false): String

      The name of the entity.

      :argument lower: Whether to lowercase the name or not.

This will be rendered as:

interface NamedEntity#

An entity with a name.

name(lower: Boolean = false): String#

The name of the entity.

  • lower – Whether to lowercase the name or not.

.. gql:scalar:: definition#

Describes a GraphQL scalar type defined on a schema.

The definition argument is the definition of the scalar type, using the format described in the GraphQL spec ( However it should not include the following:

  • The Description, which goes into the body of this directive.

  • The scalar keyword.

For example:

.. gql:scalar:: Url

   A string that represents a valid URL.

This will be rendered as:

scalar Url#

A string that represents a valid URL.

.. gql:schema:: definition#

Describes a GraphQL schema.

The definition argument is the definition of the schema, using the format described in the GraphQL spec ( However it should not include the following:

  • The schema keyword.

  • The RootOperationTypeDefinition, which is documented via the optype field.

In other words, you should only include the directives (

The :optype <type> (query|mutation|subscription): field can be used to document the Root Operation Types ( If an optype field is specified without a type then it will default to the usual default Operation Types Query, Mutation, or Subscription.



An arbitrary identifier given to the schema for use by Sphinx in cross-references and URLs to this schema. This can be useful for documenting multiple schemas in the same documentation, but isn’t necessary when documenting a single schema. Defaults to __gqlschema__.

For example:

.. gql:schema:: @mydirective
   :name: myschema

   An example schema.

   :optype MyQueryType query:
   :optype mutation:
   :optype MySubscriptionType subscription:

   .. gql:type:: MyQueryType

      Types and other definitions are usually grouped under a schema.

   .. gql:directive:: @mydirective on SCHEMA

This will be rendered as:

schema @mydirective#

An example schema.

Operation types:
  • query: MyQueryType

  • mutation: Mutation

  • subscription: MySubscriptionType

type MyQueryType#

Types and other definitions are usually grouped under a schema.

directive @mydirective on SCHEMA#
.. gql:type:: definition#

Describes a GraphQL object type defined on a schema.

The definition argument is the definition of the object type, using the format described in the GraphQL spec ( However it should not include the following:

  • The Description, which goes into the body of this directive.

  • The type keyword.

  • The FieldsDefinition. Interface fields can be described with the gql:type:field directive.

For example:

.. gql:type:: Person implements NamedEntity

   A human person.

This will be rendered as:

type Person implements NamedEntity#

A human person.

.. gql:type:field:: definition#

Describes a GraphQL field defined on an object type in a schema.

The definition argument is the definition of the type field, using the format described in the GraphQL spec ( However it should not include the following:

  • The Description, which goes into the body of this directive.

  • The type keyword.

  • The FieldsDefinition. Interface fields can be described with the gql:interface:value directive.

The :argument <name>: <description> field can be used to document the arguments (

For example:

.. gql:type:: Person implements NamedEntity

   A human person.

   .. gql:type:field:: age: Int

      How old the person is in years.

   .. gql:type:field:: picture(format: String = "jpg"): Url

      :argument format: The desired file format of image.

This will be rendered as:

type Person implements NamedEntity#

A human person.

age: Int#

How old the person is in years.

picture(format: String = "jpg"): Url#
  • format – The desired file format of image.

.. gql:union:: definition#

Describes a GraphQL union defined on a schema.

The definition argument is the definition of the union, using the format described in the GraphQL spec ( However it should not include the following:

  • The Description, which goes into the body of this directive.

  • The union keyword.

For example:

.. gql:union:: Centre = Person | Point2D

   A possible centre of the universe.

This will be rendered as:

union Centre = Person | Point2D#

A possible centre of the universe.


All GraphQL directives have a role with the same name that can be used to refer to those objects. For example a GraphQL type defined with the gql:type directive can be referred to using the gql:type role.


Refers to a GraphQL directive defined with the gql:directive rST directive.


Refers to a GraphQL enum defined with the gql:enum rST directive.


Refers to a GraphQL enum value defined with the gql:enum:value rST directive.


Refers to a GraphQL input defined with the gql:input rST directive.


Refers to a GraphQL input field defined with the gql:input:field rST directive.


Refers to a GraphQL interface defined with the gql:interface rST directive.


Refers to a GraphQL interface field defined with the gql:interface:field rST directive.


Refers to a GraphQL scalar defined with the gql:scalar rST directive.


Refers to a GraphQL schema defined with the gql:schema rST directive.


Refers to a GraphQL type defined with the gql:type rST directive.


Refers to a GraphQL type field defined with the gql:type:field rST directive.


Refers to a GraphQL union defined with the gql:union rST directive.

Using Schema Names In Roles#

If you are documenting a single schema and therefore choose not to use the :name: option to name your gql:schema, using the schema name in roles is never required.

For example:

.. gql:schema::

   .. gql:type:: MyType1

      This can link to :gql:type:`MyType2`
      or :gql:type:`__gqlschema__.MyType2`,
      but both are rendered the same.

   .. gql:type:: MyType2

This can link to :gql:type:`MyType2`
or :gql:type:`__gqlschema__.MyType2`,
but both are rendered the same.

This will be rendered as:

schema #
type MyType1#

This can link to MyType2 or MyType2, but both are rendered the same.

type MyType2#

This can link to MyType2 or MyType2, but both are rendered the same.


If you have more complex documentation that uses the :name: option to name one or more gql:schema definitions, then using the schema name in roles is often required to eliminate a role ever having ambiguous targets (e.g. if two schemas defined a MyType type, a gql:type to MyType could link to the MyType type from either schema).

Roles used inside a schema definition can skip prepending the schema name. Roles used outside a schema must prepend the schema name for named schemas.

For example:

.. gql:schema::
   :name: roleschema1

   .. gql:type:: RoleType1

      This can link to :gql:type:`RoleType2`
      or :gql:type:`roleschema1.RoleType2`.

   .. gql:type:: RoleType2

This can link to :gql:type:`roleschema1.RoleType2`
but cannot link to :gql:type:`RoleType2`.

This will be rendered as:

schema #
type RoleType1#

This can link to RoleType2 or roleschema1.RoleType2.

type RoleType2#

This can link to roleschema1.RoleType2 but cannot link to RoleType2.